Sam Wessels questions GOP candidates on Autism
A little boy with autism is able to do what the major media networks can’t seem to accomplish, ask the presidential candidates in Iowa about their plans on autism. Please take a look at the following remarkable videos. Iowa warrior mom Lin Wessels and her nine (“almost ten”) year old son Sam managed to pose…
Read MoreThe Canary Party Supports the Parental Consent Act of 2011
This month Ron Paul released a video discussing the abuse of power displayed in both the Mary Anne Godboldo case, and in the reports of the massive drugging of children in foster care, that has resulted in children being forced onto psychoactive medications that are not in their best interests. Paul echoed the values of…
Read MoreThe Canary Party joins Age of Autism in expressing concern over media reports of the arrest and jailing of Dr. Judy Mikovits on Friday, November 18, 2011 in Ventura, California.
[Ed. note: This was published earlier today on the Age of Autism, and the Canary Party joins them in their concerns over the way this matter is being handled] According to Science magazine writer Jon Cohen in an article entitled “Controversial CFS Researcher Arrested and Jailed“, Dr. Mikovits was arrested on “felony charges that she…
Read MoreAction Alert for Michigan: No Vaccine Coercion in Family Assistance Plan
Call Michigan DHS and Tell Them They Do Not Have The Right to Coerce Poor Families into Vaccinating According to the CDC’s Schedule Michigan is currently taking comment on its new Temporary Assistance for Needy Families State Plan. Part of that plan is to include a measure that coerces families into vaccinating their children…
Read MoreParent of Autistic Child in Wakefield Study Says Key Journalist Got Facts Wrong
FALLS CHURCH, Va., Nov. 3, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — When reporter Dan Olmsted met with the father of an autistic boy whose medical history is central to a British Medical Journal article refuting the vaccine/autism link, Olmsted never expected to be shown a letter written by the boy’s father that would reveal the facts of the…
Read MoreCut, Poison, Burn Screening in Houston, TX
Jim and Donna Navarro are presenting the film about their beautiful son’s fight against cancer, and their fight to get him safer medical treatment, in Houston on November 30th and December 3rd. We are encouraging all local canary party members to attend the November 30th event, and bring a friend. This documentary could not illustrate our fight…
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