Posts Tagged ‘mark blaxill’
Questioning the Vaccine Program?
Come hear the critics discuss vaccine injury, autism, ingredients and contaminants University of Minnesota, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, Cowles Auditorium January 24, 2015, 10am to 5pm 10 Authors on Vaccines, Science, Politics & Media Science for Sale / Dr. David Lewis Vaccine Injuries / Louis Conte Plague / Kent Heckenlively & Dr. Judy Mikoitz…
Read MoreListen to the Canaries in Le Roy, NY
While some canaries fall silent, such as those injured by vaccines and diagnosed with autism, the warnings of other canaries can be heard loud and clear – their vocal tics and anguished stories resonating over the airwaves and in cyberspace. In recent weeks, America has been riveted by developments at Le Roy Jr./Sr. High School…
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