Congress slams NIH, CDC reps for evading vaccine/autism evidence

Inept, disjointed agencies waste almost $1 billion, seek more funds A government health agency director who a decade ago proposed diluting vaccine/autism data was one of two testifiers interrogated at a Congressional hearing yesterday on the federal government’s poor response to the autism epidemic costing the U.S. $137 billion a year. Dr. Coleen Boyle, director…

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The Autism Hearings in the Government Affairs Committee

Yesterday was a hallmark day in the vaccine/autism story.  For the first time in ten years, Congress took up the issue of vaccine/autism causation and families who care about this issue were pleasantly surprised to find that Congress is figuring out that there is a serious problem in the vaccine program.   Watch the full hearing here.…

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The Canary Party Endorses Craig Huey

Because of his commitment to the rights of parents to make their own medical decisions for their children, The Canary Party Endorses Craig Huey for the California State Assembly.

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OPEN LETTER to the Sponsors of Brian Deer’s Lectures at The University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, October 2012

Marshfield Clinic and Labs (Brian H. Ewert, MD, C. Todd Stewart, MD, Gene R. Shaw, MD) Gundersen Lutheran Clinic  Jeffrey E. Thompson, MD, Julio J. Bird, MD, Mary Kuffel, MD) U of W La Crosse Foundation, Allen Trapp, President, Greg Reichert, Asst. Chancellor College of Science and Health, Dean Bruce Riley Departments of Biology, Microbiology,…

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