Top 10 Reasons to Oppose California AB2109

1.       Violates a parent’s and patient’s rights under the Nuremberg Code, the First Amendment, and the Constitution, and it threatens, and in some cases denies, the right to receive an education.


2.       The state has no authority to restrict or eliminate a parent’s right to exempt their child from one or more vaccines, or from any other medical procedure.  This bill oversteps the authority of the state.


3.       This bill is unnecessary as pertinent Federal Law already exists.  The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act requires that a doctor thoroughly discuss the risks and benefits of each and every vaccine, specific to each patient.


4.       The Supreme Court has legally defined vaccines as “unavoidably unsafe.”  Each vaccine contains known neurotoxins, and each vaccine carries with it numerous risks, including grave injury and death.  Only the individual can make these risk-versus-benefit decisions.  No one is authorized to coerce or require people to participate in medical procedures or medical experiments. It is common practice to regard vaccines as benign and trivial, when in fact, they are serious medical procedures that carry serious risks.


5.       AB 2109 is not a bill that the citizens of CA requested. It is a self-serving trade-industry-sponsored bill with the markings of corporate influence, pharmaceutical funding, and medical professionals wanting to increase their profits through undue influence and coercion.  


6.       This bill will have a negative impact on our already-struggling schools.  This will be one more mandate that schools will be required to implement and enforce, versus focusing on educating students.  It will cost schools money in terms of implementation and enforcement, student absenteeism, and potential lawsuits by parents of students who are refused entry.


7.       This bill will not change anything. It won’t change parents’ minds who have researched vaccines and who have already decided to file an exemption.  It won’t change the rates of infectious diseases, as the author and sponsors of the bill readily admit that we are well above the rates that they claim are needed to achieve what they call “herd immunity.” All it will do is cost the state money and create increased cynicism, anger, and resentment among parents toward legislators, doctors, and schools.  This bill will call further into question the integrity of our nation’s entire vaccine program.


8.       The state of CA is in financial crisis.  This is not a good use of our legislators’ time, nor of taxpayers’ money.  Implementing this will force the reduction of needed services and programs.  It will also open the state up to related lawsuits.


9.       Without an easy-to-access exemption, consumers cannot protect themselves from known problems with vaccine mandates. Vaccines are portrayed as, and widely accepted as, safe and effective.  A cursory look into vaccines will show that those assumptions are not valid or correct.  Since vaccines have proven to be dangerous, even deadly, and since they have often proven to be ineffective, it should be made as easy as possible for a parent to exercise their right to exempt their child from any and all vaccines as they see fit, without government interference, obstacles, harassment, or coercion.  


10.    The author and sponsors of this bill refuse to require that a doctor must sign the form if a parent pays for the “counseling.”  They also refuse to elaborate on and specify what this “counseling” will include.  Therefore, there is rightful suspicion that doctors will not only refuse to sign these forms, but that they will embellish the “benefits” of vaccines while not adequately or accurately discussing the serious risks of vaccines.




Laura Hayes

Granite Bay, CA  95746


Stanford University, 1987, B.A. Human Biology

Founding Family, MIND Institute, UC Davis

Families for Early Autism Treatment Parent Mentor

National Vaccine Information Center Member

Canary Party Member

Parent of 2 Vaccine-Injured Children